I made this for my friend Knit Vicious who is also the organizer for my Chicks with Sticks group. She love skulls and her favorite colors are red and black. As you can see she liked it.
I made this for my friend Knit Vicious who is also the organizer for my Chicks with Sticks group. She love skulls and her favorite colors are red and black. As you can see she liked it.
Still Alive!

It is called a Luvgun. I know it's felted and to those of you who know me I don't usually like felted things, but this is too cute to pass up for my DH.
If I am lucky I will have it done by Valentine's day.
My Owl has arived!
Check out the felted bag with the beads in it. Very cool!
Look at all the goodies!
So many goodies they wouldn't all fit in the same photo.
Thank you Karen with a "K"!
Quidditch ~ Round 3
1. What was the name of the book Dumbledore left for Hermione in his will?
a. The Tales of Beedle the Bard
2. Whose sign was on Xenophilius Lovegood's chest?
d. Grindewald
3. Was October 30, 1980 the night that Lilly and James Potter died?
b. No
4. What's another name for the Elder Wand?
a. Deathstick
5. Whose Potterwatch code name was 'Rodent'?
d. Fred
6. What was so special about the peacocks at the Malfoy Manor?
d. They were all white
7. Who does Harry say was "probably the bravest man I knew?"
a. Snape
8. What thing was Lockhart giving Hagrid advice about getting out of a well?
b. Kelpies
9. What was the occupation of Colin Creevey's father?
d. Milkman
10. Which Professor of Hogwarts was a dueling champion when he was young?
a. Flintwick
Picture Scavenger Hunt (links)
Bertie Botts Beans
Jelly Slugs
Chocolate Frogs
Blood Pops
Jenean's First HSKS Kit
Bonus: Who made the kit? Answer: Ansley
The Never Ending Tie
Here is what it looked like in August.
Ravelry I *heart* you!
P.S. My profile name is 5150KnitWit. I know not exactly original but I didn't want to come up with a new clever name just to forget it and not be able to sign in.
Quidditch ~ Round Two
1. In Deathly Hallows what does Harry step on when exiting his room to wash his cut?
c. A teacup
2. Which two members of the Order of Phoenix came to escrot the Dursleys to a safe place?
b. Dedalus Diggle and Hestia Jones
3. In order to throw off the Death Eaters, several of Harry's friends take Polyjuice Potion to resemble him and each Harry goes with a different member of the Order of the Phoenix to a different location. Where do Ron (disguised as Harry) and Tonks go?
a. Aunti Muriel's house
4. At Bill and Fleur's wedding, Harry must disguise himself by taking Polyjuice Potion and takes on the appearnce of a redheaded Muggle boy from Ottery St. Catchpol. He was introduced to wedding guests as Cousin . . .
c. Barny
5. Kingsley sends a message via Patronus to warn the Weasleys and wedding guests of the coming Death Eaters. What form does his Patronus take?
b. A lynx
6. In the Half-Blood Prince what drink does Romilda Vane try to give Harry?
d. Gillywater
7. What is the name of the person that heads the Holyhead Harpies?
c. Gwenog Smith
8. What tatoo is Harry reported to have on his chest?
b. Hippogriff
9. What color robes do the staff at Weasley's shop wear?
b. Magenta
10. Where do Nicolas Flamel and his wife Perenelle live?
d. Devon
Picture Scavenger Hunt (links):
Gryffindor Quidditch Uniforms
Hufflepuff Quidditch Uniforms
Ravenclaw Quidditch Uniforms
Slytherin Quidditch Uniforms
Room of Requirement
Wild Kingdom
Fortunately our fearless defender here did not like the taste of our new visitor.
"I am Claymore I defend against Flies, Moths, and Tree Frogs!"
So as Claymore tried to get the frog taste out of his mouth I put him behind the safety gate and woke up my DH so he could do frog patrol while I wrangled the toddler and dog.
That same day I came home to find 18 to 20 birds on my front lawn. It was a seen right out of the movie The Birds.
Later that evening the little Tree Frog came back to the door and hopped in when we opened it. He must have been given the wrong address because I already have my little Prince and my handsome Knight in Shining Armor too.
P.S. If Tree Frog come back again Michelle says I have to keep him because if a bear comes back for a third time he is killed so keeping him would be better.
HSKS 3 Quidditch ~ Round One Answers
- Charity Burbage
- Alecto Carrow
- The wand chooses the wizard.
- to kill the owner
- Jack Russell Terrier
- Otter
- stew
- roast potato
- three up--two across
- "for those who take, but do not earn"
Picture Scavenger Hunt :
Madam Rolanda Hooch

Angus Filch
Moaning Myrtle
Colin Creavey

My Munchkin's 2nd Birthday
My Munchkin's personal birthday cake
Julius the Monkey for Dax's 1st birthday (he did eat this one and made quite a mess)
I have been making character cakes for 17 years now. It all started with my brother's (who is 13 years younger) 1st Birthday cake. We didn't have digital cameras way back then so the pic of his cakes will have to wait for feature post.

1. What Hogwarts house have you been sorted into? Ravenclaw
2. List your favorite double-point needle brands, including size and length. Or would you prefer circulars? Clover Bamboo strait and circulars are my favorite needles to work with so far. I do like my Denise Interchangeable set as well. I use circulars for most of my strait projects because I like the way I can move my project to the cord and not lose any stitches if I toss the project in my bag.
3. Would you like to try a new brand needle? If so, which brand? Size? Length? Between the Denise Interchangeable, Clovers, and a bunch of needles I inherited I haven't tried or looked at any other brands. I only have two sets of DPNs 1 set is size 4 and the other can't really be called a set there only 3 usable needles 2 of the three are size 2 and the other is a size 3. So, to make a long story longer. I would like to increase my DPN collection. Brand, size, and length do not matter.

Runny Babbit

-Shel Silverstein
The Tie
Not just for the pool

- You are #26890 on the list.
- 17221 people are ahead of you in line.
- 0 people are behind you in line.
- 34% of the list has been invited so far
One day I will be a real knitter and have my very own page on Ravelry.com!
Lesson learned again!
Now off to start the size 2 needle project again with the proper weight yarn.
Gluten for punishment
The best analogy I can think of is getting a tattoo, one you have one you want another and then another. Again with the needles! Ahhhhh. It must be some twisted brain chemical that is only found in glutens.
Well back to my size 2's.
Drum Roll Please.......
Thanks to one very savvy Chick at Chicks w/ Sticks this project is complete. If it weren't for her I may have given up. She fixed 5 dropped stitches on the third to the last row.
I also have to give a big plushy Cashmere hug to Libellula. Without her size 7 dpn's I would still be several rows shy of finished.
As you can see the munchkin of the house loves the hat. I guess my next hat will need to be to make him one of his very own.
I hope this hat will bring fun,warm and loving blessings to it's recipient.
The not so dropped stitch

Sure enough the stitch I had stopped on way back when, ended up stretching it self between the needles, undoubtedly from being manipulated by a munchkin or small dog, to mimic a space that looks like a dropped stitch ladder.
Tooting my own knitting horn

I hope to complete this beret soon so I can make a beanie in the Hufflepuff House colors. Maybe I should read the Harry Potter books so I understand who or what Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs are.
You have to be smarter than the thing you are operating
Flop Project
Slightly off the knitting track
It's Mickey Mouse!
As you can see I have been exercising my crafty muscles in other ways. Now back to knitting!
And I'm back
I know I know I can't even finish one project according to someone else’s pattern and here I am making up my own patterns. I haven't had a steady creative outlet in a very long time so I am jumping into the deep end with knitting and trying to keep my head above water.
So as I promised I will be posting pic soon. I just have to get the time to download them from my camera.
Can't leave well enough alone
A Whole New Language
So Many Projects So Few Hands
I don't foresee this knitting fever breaking anytime soon, so if anyone has a home remedy for knitting fever I would love to hear it.
The Itch to Kint
So I have decided to approach my projects logically. I first need to knit a really big bag to keep all my kitting projects in. So now the question is which bag to knit, the Monk's Travel Satchel or the Doctor's Bag on page 82 of the Knit 2 Together book?
Now I am off in search of a yarn shop that, hopefully, is not too many towns away.