
Ravelry I *heart* you!

I'm in! I'm in! So much to do so little time. Wow I see were are my spare time (not that I have much right now) is going to go. Now I know what all the other knitters at Chicks w/ Sticks have been talking about. Ravelry Rocks!

P.S. My profile name is 5150KnitWit. I know not exactly original but I didn't want to come up with a new clever name just to forget it and not be able to sign in.


Laurie Ann said...

what's your profile name? I'm laurieann obviously.

Janice said...

I finally found you. And of course I know what your name means cuz I am 5149 1/2.... close but no cigar!

Kaparoo said...

If you figure out how to squeeze it all in, let me know please?!?!?!

I'm torn between Ravelry, blogging, and actually knitting.
(Oh yeah, I've got a family and job, too!)